简介: The story of a group of teenagers in small town Texas who unleash a deadly force after playing the famous game in an abandoned house where a grisly massacre once took place.
该日韩剧讲述的是The story of a group of teenagers in small town Texas who unleash a deadly force after playing the famous game in an abandoned house where a grisly massacre once took place.,新·信长公记~同学是战国武将~是由丰岛圭介,中岛悟执导,永濑廉,山田杏奈,西畑大吾,三浦翔平,满岛真之介,滨田岳,萩原利久,犬饲贵丈,小泽征悦,骏河太郎,柳俊太郎,阿部亮平,须贺健太,长田成哉,内藤秀一郎,片冈久道,野村康太,田野仓雄太,松大航也,草野大成,佐佐木春香,石田梦实,林田岬優,柄本明等人主演的,于2022年上映。