10.0 · 2012 · 英国 · 欧美剧
Pola is at the peak of popularity - at the age of only 22, she fills the halls at her concerts and is extremely successful in the music industry. One day, after one of her performances, the girl, under the influence of alcohol, causes a car accident. To silence the matter, the star's father and manager places her in an addiction therapy and treatment center, where the singer is...
8.0 · 2013 · 美国 · 欧美剧
汤姆·莱利,劳拉·普沃,劳拉·哈德克,格雷格·奇林吉里安 ,海拉·西尔玛,罗斯·奥亨尼西,布莱克·瑞特森,阿兰·柯德勒,艾略特·科万,詹姆斯·福克纳,亚历山大·希迪格
盛禹两国交战,盛国战败。盛国公主和亲途中遇刺,临终前,贴身医女阿月(小豆花 饰)受公主之托,假扮成盛国公主盛乐凌继续完成和亲盗取禹国机密城防图使命。禹国虞妃离奇死亡,让禹国三皇子楚如珩(王皓轩 饰)背负起“致母妃气急而亡的逆子”的骂名,楚如珩不择手段,只为查清母妃之死真相。 “战争孤儿假公主”遇上“盛世逆子真皇子”,在风云诡谲的深宫之中,为了爱与和平,两人携手化解环生险象,相杀相爱相疑相依。