5.0 英语 · 2019 · 美国 · 动作片
全球男團選秀「SCOOL」,天空娛樂與韓國SBS Medianet跨海結盟合作共同製播。MC由SUPER JUNIOR 利特擔任。導師陣容由SUPER JUNIOR銀赫、羅志祥、FTIsland李洪基、婁峻碩、YUJU、編舞家崔容俊所組成。史無前例的夢幻卡司,共同打造全球 新指標偶像男團...
7.0 英语 · 1989 · 美国 · 动作片
西尔维斯特·史泰龙,唐纳德·萨瑟兰,约翰·阿莫斯,索尼·兰哈姆,汤姆·塞兹摩尔,弗兰克·麦克雷,达兰妮·弗鲁格,威廉·艾伦·扬,拉里·罗曼诺,乔丹·朗德,John Lilla,Dean Rader-Duval ,Jerry Strivelli,David Anthony Marshall,Kurek Ashley,丹尼·特雷霍,托尼·利普,Bo Rucker,Robert Vazquez,Anth
In “Inganno” Gabriella – who is being played by veteran Italian stage and screen actress Monica Guerritore (“My Big Gay Italian Wedding”) – is the proud owner of a luxury hotel on the Amalfi Coast. She is a classy woman, proud of being in good shape at 60, with three grown kids. Gabriella intersects with Elia (Gianniotti) who is the same age as her oldest son and exerts an irresistible power of attraction on her. For Elia she will be ready to put everything on the line, “even her relationship with her children and their inheritance,” according to the provided synopsis. See first look image above.